About Me
Astro Chief is one of the few astrologers out there firmly rooted in the true cosmology.
He has been studying astrology and the science of the stars for many years, drawing up charts for friends and family.
It was his interest in Astrology along with constantly observing the stars every night that helped him so easily come to Flat Earth. Observing the stars at night, he could see it lined up with what he could note with astrological birth charts - that every single chart is drawn up based on a geocentric Flat Earth. All of the heavenly bodies rotate around the earth in a geocentric system and this is exactly what we observe night after night in the sky. The Earth does not move!
He recognizes the ancient science of astrology as the science of electromagnetism - everyone on earth are subject to the elements of nature including the stars. It is not a religion nor is it idolatry but it is an ancient science.
Astrology is not about fortune telling but the Creator left a life map in the stars for You at your birth.
The Tychonic Model, Tycho Brahe, 1583.
Astro Chief firmly stands on the Bible as the Word of God and also has a deep interest in the Hebrew Mazzaroth. The Creator wrote the story of redemption in the Stars - revealing ‘the end from the beginning’.
It was only later on that pagan cultures bastardized the true meanings of the signs in the heavens e.g. the naming of the wandering stars after pagan mythology therefore usurping their original meanings and intended purpose as the Creator’s handwriting in the heavens - before any written scripture was ever written down.
At just the age of Nine and a half years of age, he first questioned the globe when he visited Australia. He could not explain how he was now ‘upside down’ on the bottom of a ball. However, he suppressed this critical thought process and put it to the back of his mind and did not fully come to Flat Earth until many years later.
He is also the author of Biblical Cosmology: The World According To The Bible and the Ancients under his regular name which is seen on the popular Flat Earth App by Dave Weiss under the books section.
He has also published e-books under the name ‘Astro Chief’, available at the link below.
“You, Yahweh, are the one only God, You have created the heavens, the heaven of heavens and all their array...
To all of them You give life, and the array of heaven worships You.”
- Nehemiah 9:6

The Astrological Houses
THE WANDERING STARS and TEN Levels of Heaven (14 Pages)
The Wandering Stars Are Not Fallen Angels
SATURN :The Planet of TIME
Does Astrology Go Against What the Bible says? (23 Pages)