Flat Earth & Astrology Podcast

Tutorials on Tropical and Sidereal Astrology. Want to learn astrology?
Learn how to read and understand your birth chart and work with the current planetary transits and energies.
Learn about God's clock in the sky.

About Astro Chief

Astro Chief uses and takes into consideration BOTH the Tropical Zodiac system and the Sidereal Zodiac system for reading the stars and hence birth charts. For every reading he does, he sends the client their Tropical and their Sidereal charts and covers both. This is another side to him that makes him so unique as most sky readers tend to only go with one school of thought i.e. Tropical OR Sidereal.

Reviews / Feedback on the Podcast.

  • Just a quick note to let you know how excited I am to have found your podcast! I've been learning astrology for a few years and have been seriously questioning what Earth is and the narrative we have been given. One of the biggest questions I had is how the accuracy of astrology fits in flat Earth model. I am listening to "God's writing in the sky" as I type (24 min in), and I couldn't wait to reach out lol...ok back to the podcast! So nice to have found you! Looking forward to listening to the podcast about the class, I am interested.

    — Emmie

  • I think by far you are the most level headed, best spoken person on this subject that I have looked into and I love the fact that you're coming at it from a true earth perspective. I thought astrology and "God" were rubbish until I discovered where we live and just how perfectly DESIGNED our plane earth is. I can't deny the synchronicities and I feel like I was pushed by God/the universe to look into your podcast (remember, it randomly popped into my head a couple of days ago) and listen intently. The information is really resonating with me.

    — Nick

  • Hello! I just found you and Spotify and I'm so happy to be listening your podcasts since there isn't many flat earth astrologers. I've been listening to astrology for many years, but the FE realization kicked hard for a different approach to astrology, like considering sun, moon and rising the most piece of cake to consider, because they are the most visible lights in the sky. …… I salute you! Happy to found you. Thanks for your sharing!

    — Guillem